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Goedhuis Waddesdon Team

Tom Stopford Sackville

Fine Wine Director

Fairly Francophile in my wine tastes, Burgundy my favourite region. Favourite growers include Christian Serafin, Laurent Ponsot, Etienne Grivot, Jean-Marie Fourrier, Armand Rousseau and Alain Hudelot Noellat (of the ones we get) and DRC and Mugnier of the ones we don’t!

Worked at Petaluma in the Adelaide Hills in 1989 and now married to a Western Aussie so drink a fair amount of Aussie wine, Cullen, Leeuwin and Moss Wood all regulars when I’m there. Also drink a fair amount of Bordeaux. I like the Bartons, Poyferre, Calon Segur, Pontet Canet and have a soft spot for La Tour Figeac on the right bank. I would like to drink more Cheval Blanc, Le Pin, Petrus, Ausone, Latour, Margaux, Haut Brion, La Mission Haut Brion.

After 10 very happy years in Hong Kong setting up and running our business there, I have now returned to London. I can be found at Stamford Bridge on most of the occasions the mighty Blues were playing at the home of football. Love going to the movies and am working on a wine movie (but I’ve been saying that for 7 years now so people tend to ignore me….but one day….) Seen Bob Dylan approx 25 times in concert so I suppose that’s an interest. Would like to be good at golf.

020 7793 5629
07767 416 978