Domaine Louis Boillot
Louis is the seventh generation of vignerons in Burgundy from a family who is mostly known for their Côte de Beaune wines such as Pommard and Volnay however, several Côte de Nuits appellations including Gevrey Chambertin were added to the repertoire in 1978. Many of these are parcels of extremely old vines, and the wines have a natural concentration and silky persistence. Today Louis vinifies and ages his wines in Chambolle...Read more
Louis is the seventh generation of vignerons in Burgundy from a family who is mostly known for their Côte de Beaune wines such as Pommard and Volnay however, several Côte de Nuits appellations including Gevrey Chambertin were added to the repertoire in 1978. Many of these are parcels of extremely old vines, and the wines have a natural concentration and silky persistence. Today Louis vinifies and ages his wines in Chambolle Musigny in the same cellar as his other half, Ghislaine Barthod. In fact, it has been said that his influences have helped create the celestial beauties that have risen from her vineyards. Both are ably assisted by their son, Clément. He has been instrumental in Louis Boillot’s recent purchase of vineyards in Beaujolais, Moulin à Vent, where these skilled Burgundians bring their expertise to the Gamay grape.Read less