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News » Bordeaux 2012


Bruno Borie’s First Dozen Vintages

Ch Ducru Beaucaillou has always had a special place in my affections. When I was sent to Bordeaux as a callow youth, it was Ronald Barton and Jean-Eugene Borie who were not only incredibly kind to me, but can also...

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The Great Southwold Tasting January 2016 | 2012 Bordeaux

January Blues and Dry January are somewhat of a mystery to us lucky ones in the fine wine world. In fact on a wine-tasting front, January can be one of my most exciting months of the year. It is the...

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Revisiting Bordeaux 2012

With the 2012 Bordeaux vintage now in bottle, the famous Union des Grands Crus of Bordeaux and some 100 Chateaux and their owners

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UGC Tasting at Somerset House

Last week, the great and good of the UK wine trade descended upon the sun drenched Portico Rooms of Somerset House, for what is becoming an essential

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The En Primeur Campaign So Far

One and a half weeks into the campaign and the Bordelais have responded to the calls of press and trade that the prices this year must come down.

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