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Bordeaux 2018 in bottle | The Southwold Tasting

2022 represents the 40th anniversary of the “Southwold Tasting”, taking its name after the small fishing village in Suffolk where it was first hosted by the former Adnams chairman Simon Loftus at his home in Southwold back in 1982. The concept...

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2019 Burgundy En Primeur | Small, sweet, supple and very, very seductive!

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would taste, assess and most importantly enjoy a complete Burgundy vintage from the comfort of my own home!

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The Begude Dude’s newest wine (featuring a domaine profile by Matthew Jukes)

Goedhuis & Domaine Begude have worked together since 2003, their brilliant value entry level Chardonnay always one of the most quaffable, reliable and best value wines on our list. I am now so pleased to introduce this new beauty to...

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Top 5 Wine Films To Watch

The lockdown has given us time to catch up on a lot of movies, with a glass of wine in hand of course. These are five films we have enjoyed over the last two months. Sideways | Director Alexander Payne...

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Review of the Year 2019-2020

March 31st saw the end of another financial year at Goedhuis but under very different circumstances to 12 months earlier. Our offices in Bermondsey Street lay empty and our IT upgrade over the last year seemed even better value for...

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