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Bordeaux 2018 in bottle | The Southwold Tasting

2022 represents the 40th anniversary of the “Southwold Tasting”, taking its name after the small fishing village in Suffolk where it was first hosted by the former Adnams chairman Simon Loftus at his home in Southwold back in 1982. The concept...

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The Begude Dude’s newest wine (featuring a domaine profile by Matthew Jukes)

Goedhuis & Domaine Begude have worked together since 2003, their brilliant value entry level Chardonnay always one of the most quaffable, reliable and best value wines on our list. I am now so pleased to introduce this new beauty to...

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The buying must go on!

In the world of wine buying, spring is a period that I love. Whilst respecting everything that governments around the world are doing to overcome Covid-19, it has been wonderful to see the most magnificent displays of daffodils and blossom...

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Bring a Special Bottle Night (BASBN) 2020

On Friday, March 13th, a group of 16 gathered at Crown Wine Cellars in Hong Kong for what was the 13th iteration of this particular fine wine dinner. Bring a Special Bottle Night 2020 experienced a radical shift this year....

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2010 Bordeaux – Ten Years On

When the 2010 Bordeaux vintage was released it arguably received more acclaim than any other release this century. Markets were buoyant, journalistic influence, most notably that of Robert Parker, was at its apogee and talk was of a vintage of...

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