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News » April 2019


Client Testimonial | Video

Hear about Goedhuis from the people that matter most; our clients.

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Tasting Bordeaux 2018 | Pessac-Leognan

We have had storms all week but today is a beautiful sunny day. We have a day in Pessac Léognan tasting at some of the region’s great properties. Our first visit was to La Mission Haut-Brion.

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Tasting Bordeaux 2018 | Margaux, St Emilion & Pomerol

After a fantastic day yesterday travelling from St Estèphe, through Pauillac and St Julien, it is 8am on day two and we are currently on route to Margaux and our first visit, Ch Palmer.

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Tasting Bordeaux 2018 | St Estephe, Pauillac & St Julien

We start the week of tasting with a trio of visits to Calon Ségur, Montrose & Cos d’Estournel. These have been covered well in a previous blog during our first week of tasting Bordeaux 2018 and were all showing very well this...

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In the Vines with Elisa Sesti of Sesti – Castello di Argiano, Montalcino

10 thought-provoking questions & answers from Montalcino. Meet Elisa Sesti of Sesti – Castello di Argiano.

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