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News » May 2020


Review of the Year 2019-2020

March 31st saw the end of another financial year at Goedhuis but under very different circumstances to 12 months earlier. Our offices in Bermondsey Street lay empty and our IT upgrade over the last year seemed even better value for...

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An introduction to organic and biodynamic wines

As our attention towards the impact of climate change has grown in recent times, many more people have started to use reusable coffee cups, water bottles and recycling as much as possible, to decrease their carbon footprint and help the...

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2019 Bordeaux En Primeur | To release or not to release

The third week in May, a high-class vintage on our hands… this should be one of our busiest weeks of the year. Full on en primeur season! The early-releasing classed growths would have come and gone, and this week we...

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