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News » March 2011


The Italian Extravaganza at Manicomio Gutter Lane

The Italian tasting on Wednesday eve (23rd March) went down a storm- with over 30 wines from 11 producers in Tuscany, Sicily and Piedmont, spread over 3 floors

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'Juicy Rhône reds' get a look in

Anthony Rose in the Independent this Saturday gives us a heads up for some tasty Rhône bargains writing, ‘the best value in the northern Rhône

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Goedhuis sponsors George Saunders

Goedhuis is delighhted to sponsor the up-and-coming jockey George Saunders. He is 17 and the grandson of Dick Saunders, who, aged 48,

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A couple of wines drinking really well…

I did a tasting yesterday for a punter and two wines which don’t appear to be flying out of the door in London showed very well.

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Decanter recommends Top '09 Northern Rhône!

Plenty of Goedhuis Rhône wines mentioned in Decanter April 2011…..they have flown off the shelf. You have to be quick off the

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