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News » Justin Randall


Review of the Year 2019-2020

March 31st saw the end of another financial year at Goedhuis but under very different circumstances to 12 months earlier. Our offices in Bermondsey Street lay empty and our IT upgrade over the last year seemed even better value for...

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Move Over Mark Cavendish…

I am not sure whether this is a mid-life crisis or temporary loss of sanity but when it was suggested that I might like to ride part of the Tour de France,

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Justin's Festive Refreshments

Over the last few years wine consumption in the Randall house at Christmas has dwindled to a mere trickle. Last year’s paltry effort so traumatised me that I made a promise to up the quality in 2008

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Wine duty scrapped in Hong Kong

At a time when the British government are talking about increasing the duty on wine at the next budget to reduce middle class drinking, it is interesting to note that Hong Kong

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