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News » Burgundy



After a three-year hiatus due to Hong Kong’s incredibly strict regulations, the host of Bring a Special Bottle Night finally made his triumphant return to the city. A group of 17 friends found themselves yet again at Crown Wine Cellars...

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Tasting Burgundy 2020 | Legros & Audoin

It was the last day of tastings, so just a couple of visits. First stop was in Nuits St. Georges at Domaine Legros. I was looking forward to this tasting as I have never been there, and it is relatively...

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Tasting Burgundy 2020 | Bize, Chandon de Briailles, Jobard & Rossignol

Thursday’s first tasting was in Savigny les Beaune. First stop was Domaine Simon Bize. We were met by Chisa Bize who was looking very relaxed and happy about her 2020s, and rightly so. They really were showing very well indeed...

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Tasting Burgundy 2020 | Domaines Ponsot, Tortochot, Rousseau, Eugenie & Hubert Lignier

The next day we headed up to Morey St. Denis. Our first appointment was at Domaine Ponsot. The winery is situated at the top of the village, it was beautiful sunny morning and in the distance you could see Mont...

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Tasting Burgundy 2020 | Marc Colin, Benjamin Leroux, Tollot-Beaut, Meo-Camuzet, Grivot, Louis Boillot & Ghislaine Barthod

This was a busy day with lots of visits, starting at Marc Colin in Chassagne Montrachet. His wines were showing brilliantly, and you can see why everyone is so excited by the quality of the whites, they have great concentration...

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