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2012 St Emilion re-classification (the only way is up)


In 1955, a hundred years after the wines of the Medoc were classified, the wines of Saint-Émilion decided to take the decision to get themselves classified. Unlike the Medoc Classification of 1855 the Saint-Émilion list is updated every 10 years or so. Following its initial classification, the list was updated in 1969, 1986, 1996 and most recently in 2006. However the 2006 classification was declared invalid following a series of legal actions (plus ça change) and the 1996 version of the classification has been reinstated for the vintages from 2006 to 2012.

Anyway, now we have the details of the new 2012 Classification and there have been some notable movers. Most newsworthy is that Angelus and Pavie have joined Ausone and Cheval Blanc as Premier Grand Cru Classé (A). That’s basically 1st Growth territory.


Then, both Canon-La-Gaffeliere and La Mondotte from the impeccable Stephan Von Neipperg, Valandraud, from ‘the more controversial’ Jean-Luc Thunevin, and Larcis Ducasse from our great friends the Thienponts, have been promoted into the 1er Grand Cru Classé (B) classification. This is basically Super Second quality. They are rightly proud of their new found place in the upper echelons of the St Emilionais. Jean Luc (quoting from Jancis’ Purple Pages) said “˜I’m very proud of this upgrade. I, who never passed an examination at school.‘ Stephan Von Neipperg, who has done so much to improve the quality on the right bank sent us this email


We wait to see if this will have an impact on their prices (I’m assuming these Chateau’s en primeur releases are not going to get much cheaper) but those of you with back vintages in your cellars might want to wait a few weeks to see how the market reacts. My guess is that not much changes but they now have a reason to throw a late September ‘paulee’….

For a complete pdf list of the new classement click here.

Premier Grand Cru Classé A

Château ANGÉLUS (promoted)
Château AUSONE (maintained)
Château CHEVAL BLANC (maintained)
Château PAVIE (promoted)

Premier Grand Cru Classé B

Château BEAU-SÉJOUR BÉCOT (maintained)
Château BELAIR-MONANGE (maintained)
Château CANON (maintained)
Château CANON-LA-GAFFELIERE (promoted)
Château FIGEAC (maintained)
Château LA GAFFELIÈRE (maintained)
Château LA MONDOTTE (promoted)
Château LARCIS-DUCASSE (promoted)

Château PAVIE-MACQUIN (maintained)
Château TROPLONG-MONDOT (maintained)
Château TROTTEVIELLE (maintained)
Château VALANDRAUD (promoted)
Clos FOURTET (maintained)

Château MAGDELAINE is not part of the classification anymore because it merges with BELAIR-MONANGE.
Château MATRAS is not part of the classification anymore because it has been bought by Château CANON.

Grand cru classé

Château BALESTARD-LA-TONNELLE (maintained)
Château BARDE-HAUT (promoted)
Château LA CLOTTE (maintained)
Château BELLEFONT-BELCIER (maintained)
Château LA COMMANDERIE (promoted)
Château BELLEVUE (maintained)
Château LA COUSPAUDE (maintained)
Château BERLIQUET (maintenu)
Château LA DOMINIQUE (maintained)
Château CADET-BON (maintained)
Château LA MARZELLE (maintained)
Château CADET-PIOLA (maintained)
Château La SERRE (maintained)
Château CAP DE MOURLIN (maintained)
Château LA TOUR-FIGEAC (maintained)
Château CHAUVIN (maintained)
Château LANIOTE (maintained)
Château CLOS DES JACOBINS (maintained)
Château LARMANDE (maintained)
Château CORBIN (maintained)
Château LAROQUE (maintained)
Château CÔTE DE BALEAU (promoted)
Château LAROZE (maintained)
Château COUVENT DES JACOBINS (maintained)
Château L’ARROSEE (maintained)
Château DASSAULT (maintained)
Château LE CHÂTELET (promoted)
Château DE FERRAND (promoted)

Château LE PRIEURÉ (maintained)
Château de PRESSAC (promoted)
Château LES GRANDES MURAILLES (maintained)
Château DESTIEUX (maintained)
Château MONBOUSQUET (maintained)
Château FAUGÈRES (promoted)
Château MOULIN DU CADET (maintained)
Château FAURIE DE SOUCHARD (maintained)
Château PAVIE-DECESSE (maintained)
Château FLEUR-CARDINALE (maintained)
Château PEBY-FAUGÈRES (promoted)
Château FOMBRAUGE (promoted)

Château PETIT-FAURIE-DE-SOUTARD (maintained)
Château FONPLÉGADE (maintained)
Château QUINAULT L’ENCLOS (promoted)
Château FONROQUE (maintained)
Château RIPEAU (maintained)
Château FRANC-MAYNE (maintained)
Château ROCHEBELLE (promoted)
Château GRAND CORBIN (maintained)
Château SAINT-GEORGES-CÔTE-PAVIE (maintained)
Château GRAND CORBIN-DESPAGNE (maintained)
Château SOUTARD (maintained)
Château GRAND-MAYNE (maintained)
Château VILLEMAURINE (maintained)
Château GRAND-PONTET (maintained)
Château YON-FIGEAC (maintained)
Château GUADET (maintained)
Clos de L’ORATOIRE (maintained)
Château HAUT-SARPE (maintained)
Clos LA MADELEINE (promoted)
Château JEAN FAURE (promoted)

Clos SAINT-MARTIN (maintained)