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A sneak preview of our 2011 Pichon Lalande Dinner


Monday nights are clearly the new Thursdays, or so it was at one of London’s truly great establishments last night. Dinner at Boodles with Gildas, the Boss of Pichon; two renowned MWs – Roberts and Bingley, and our resident raconteur Strutt was magnificent.


A glass of Cristal 2004 (recently launched) set a cracking pace and led us into the main event – a game fuelled dinner of partridge pate and grouse washed down with Pichon Lalande 2006 which was fleshy and voluminous with a lovely sweet core, and then Pichon Lalande 2004 which was gorgeous. Elegant and poised drinking already but with a bountiful life ahead, it had all one looks for in great Claret and was extremely more-ish.

A glass of “mystery port” turned out to be Warre 63 – delicious, still very much alive and kicking although beginning to taste spirity to the finish. Snooker, and very amateur it was, followed which seemed a fitting way to work off the excellent dinner.

We reconvene on Wednesday 26th January 2011 – hope to see some of you then.