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Angelus 2008 released


Hot on the heels of last week’s UGC tastings, unexpectedly early, Hubert de Bouard has released Chateau Angelus 2008 en primeur. The very good news is that our pleas do seem to have reached Bordelais ears and the release price is the same as that of 2004.

The current Sterling Euro exchange rate is so woeful that the UK price will not match the 2004 price. Prices will be considerably lower than last year which can only be a good thing. Angelus 2008 will be £725 per case IB. We wait with bated breath to see if others will follow suit on both timing and pricing.

Our intrepid tasting team have unfortunately not sampled this wine, so we are not in a position to comment on the quality.

In the past, chateau such as Leoville Barton have released early, hoping to set a positive precedent, however others have not always followed suit. We can only hope this is the start of swift and sensibly priced campaign.