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Bordeaux UGC 2010-2011 # 1


The sun was shining brightly in Pauillac as we started our intense week of tasting the Bordeaux 2010 vintage. There is a question lingering on most tasting tongues and that is, “˜How do the 2010s fare against the 2009s?’ The vintages are very different…

Château Cos d’Estournel


The 2010s have more freshness; more lift and seem to have more acidity than the 2009s, which are much richer, rounder, voluptuous and hedonistic. Someone at Montrose commented that this is due to the 2009 vintage being one of heat and the 2010 vintage being one of dryness. It is difficult to compare the quality at this stage as the vintages are so different, however the contrasting styles will suit different palates, and 2010 is a more ‘classic’ Bordeaux vintage.

Château Pichon Baron


Today we tasted some excellent wines including Pontet-Canet, Mouton Rothschild (very impressive and very sleek), Lafite Rothschild (voted by the team WINE OF THE DAY!), Grand-Puy-Lacoste, Cos d’Estournel, Montrose, Phelan Segur, Pichon Baron, Ducru Beaucaillou, Leoville Barton and Langoa Barton.
Château Leoville Las Cases


We are signing off now to go and visit Latour and Leoville Las Cases…A bien tôt.