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Bordeaux with the Chairman


Our first day tasting the 2009s started with a few negociant tastings in the centre of Bordeaux. At 9am, tasting my first ever Bordeaux en primeur sample was, to say the least, challenging. The overall quality of the wines made it a little easier and the negociants’ excitement was catching. Our expectations were now high for the rest of the trip.

After a quick lunch we had our tasting hats back on in the Margaux district of the left bank. Chateau d’Issan was our first stop and is a true fairytale chateau with its own moat.


Its wines are often a favourite with the Goedhuis team and the 09 did not disappoint.


Ch Margaux was our next visit and is as grand as a First Growth can be.


As we walked to the tasting room we came across the chateau’s very own cooperage.


The wines here were of an excellent standard and for me the wine of the vintage was Ch Margaux.

At the end of a long day we dashed over to St Julien to try and make our appointment at Ch Leoville Las Cases before they closed. We tasted through the range of wines with the winemaker himself who had kindly stayed late for us.
