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Breakfast Rosé at Winchester House Prep School


Start them young I hear you cry! Well some of them got close to a glass last Saturday, but too many thirsty Summer Fields parents were first in line for the definitive easy quaffing Ch St Baillon Rosé 2009. We cheered (quite noisily after a few bottles) our darling boys on from the boundary to an outstanding win – all great Captaincy I say.


While drinking a glass and discussing from where it hails, a very happy occurrence for us is that co-parents of ours are actually basing themselves for two solid weeks in early August in walking distance of Club 55 in St Tropez, the definitive beach restaurant.


No better place exists from which to beautiful people watch (mirrored shades essential!) I am sure it must have been the rosé talking but we are booked in for lunch with them – I cannot wait and will no doubt blog all about it.