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Christmas lunch, bring it on…


My Christmas lunch … a family we tend to sit down for lunch around 1.30pm, we (my two brothers, wife, new baby, mum and grandparents) will be in London at my mum’s this year. The festivities will kick off at around 10.30 am.

Having done a couple of hours Champagne work, opening presents, eating smoked salmon sandwiches, I’ll be reprimanded for drinking too much by about midday I fear. Standard form.

Lunch will kick off with a magnum of Chianti Reserva Riecine 2001, a stunning, stunning cuvée. We’ll then move swiftly on to Sesti’s top wine, Phenomena Brunello di Montalcino, in the great 1999 vintage. The trick will be to get it all in, unhurried by the end of the turkey. The cheese will be washed down with a bottle of ’75 Taylors, a port I have never tried but Michael Broadbent seems to think it is ‘the best ’75 by far’. Hugely looking forward I am!

By then I should be very relaxed, I might think about a final venture into my case of Savigny Les Beaune, 1er Cru Les Lavieres, Tollot Beaut 2002 for the afternoon session… or, I’ll be asleep.