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Fendant in the mountains


“Gstaad my love” the saying goes and I have to say it is a great place for loving – just ask Mr Goedhuis. Mountains in summer are seriously pretty, and jumping off the train en route to Charleys for the first of many glasses of Fendant in the blazing sunshine makes you want to skip along Julie Andrews style.

We were there to celebrate Caroline’s father’s 70th and her uncle’s 65th staying in the third brother’s amazing chalet which is recently completed and takes luxury and comfort to a new level.

Saturday was idyllic – Alpenhorn concert in the square, yoddling up the road in Gsteig, a procession of Milka cows slung with bells and culminating in a raclette feast in Rougemont. In amongst it we managed a promenade up Gstaad high street, where prices are so far removed from real life it is risible – Mrs C alighted on some Capri pants for a mere 700 swiss francs – I DON’T THINK SO.

Sunday, major walk watching parapenters circling on the thermals high over head which looks seriously good fun. High in the hills I met an interesting character who is a founding member of the 500 strong “Hoppy Club”, a breeder of the “Petit Gris” breed of lapin which he exports to France. Bon appetit !