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In the vines with… the one and only Olivier Lamy


9 thought-provoking questions & answers from St Aubin. Meet vigneron Olivier Lamy.

1. What is your most important wine experience?
Meeting important people who have trusted me since I was very young and who have bought my wine (such as David Roberts MW).

2. Have you made a ‘wine pilgrimage’ and if so, where and why?
After my wine studies, I used to taste once a week at my winemaker friends’ places. I also did a tour of the best French winemakers for two summers and learned a lot. In 1995 I worked for three months at Méo-Camuzet… a beautiful experience.

3. Who do you prefer to drink wine with?
My grower friends, Sylvain Pataille, Thomas Bouley, Charles Lachaux, Jean-Marc Vincent, David Cross, Bruno Lorenzo, Nicolas Rossignol…

4. Who do you dream to work with and why?
I work with Sylvain Pataille as consulting oenologist. A young winemaker full of talent.

5. Who is or was your mentor and why did you choose them?
I met some great people when I was very young. And I was very lucky to meet Gerard Potel, Aubert de Villaine, Dominique Lafon, JF Coche, JM Roulot, Armand Rousseau and Dujac… They answered all my questions and this allowed me to develop my palate.

6. What motivates you?
Believing that you know everything while you still have everything to learn.

7. What is the biggest challenge you face today?
To continue to do better and even better… and to let someone continue what I started.

8. What is your greatest achievement?
My two daughters or my 1er Cru Cuvée Haute Densité Saint Aubins (30,000 vines planted per hectare).

9. And now?
I will prepare for my trip to Beaujolais with friends, vignerons from all over France, to taste their wines with them.

See Olivier Lamy 2017s
