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Jamie Goode on Burgundy 2012


If you love wine and don’t read, you should. Jamie Goode’s pioneering blog has been going since 2001 (let’s face it, in 2001 most of us hadn’t even heard the term blog) and the volume of information built up is impressive.

In addition to the obvious stuff, he writes authoritatively on the more scientific aspects of wine-making which appeal to the geek in every true wine lover and delves into how we think about wine and tasting. There is a wealth of material to explore so what are you waiting for?


And why this timely mention? He has written up our Burgundy Tasting with particular praise for Fichet, Sauzet and Lamy on the whites and Barthod, Arlot, Tollot-Beaut and Joseph Voillot on the reds.

For the official Goedhuis line on the vintage and availability click here.