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Last Week


Last week should have been the perfect week, the weather was wonderful, Wimbledon was in full swing and we were looking forward to the 1st test match, but the week ended in real sadness as two people died who were both connected to Goedhuis & Company. They were two completely different people but both were exceptional and will be sorely missed.

Rupert Thorneloe died in action in Afghanistan. He was married to Sally Parker who worked for us from 2001 to 2003. I only met Rupert twice and I wish I had known him better. Everything I have read just confirms that he was an extraordinary, dedicated and outstanding man… A leader of men and a life enhancer. We all feel deeply for Sally, Hannah and Sophie.

If Rupert was a life enhancer so was Hugh Millais who sadly died on Friday night. His loss is far more selfish as I will miss him hugely – he added immensely to my life whenever I saw him which was not often enough. As James Lowther said he wasn’t just the life and soul of a party he was a one man party. Actor, calypso player, property developer, builder, sailor, chef, bull fighter, shot, raconteur and pure and simply one of the most wonderful men I have ever met. Like Rupert he will leave a huge gap in so many peoples lives.

I have to add that Hugh will leave a very big gap in our sales of Ch St Baillon Rose for he wasn’t just an enthusiast, he was an addict. Three years ago he published a wonderful cook book called Hugh’s Who: The Name-Dropper’s Cookbook, at the end he thanks Erve Goudard “whose magnificent Ch St Baillon Rose lubricated every page.”