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New man in town (HK)


My name is Gregory Brossard… yes, a French man surrounded by English people…history is repeating itself again! However, I am already in love with the company and, being French, I do love a crisp, cold Carlsberg in a nice pub watching the cricket! This is what I would call a French paradox.


I have always been in love with wine, probably due to obvious reasons: my grandfather was a Cognac maker and my Dad a wine grower… my childhood did not leave much room but to enjoy and understand the world of wine pretty quickly.

Not willing to take over the estate, (far too hard a job!) I joined the restaurant industry and quickly moved into fine dining. I realised you could drink and eat amazingly along with travelling around the world at the same time! After few amazing experiences across Europe with the Four Seasons Paris, Le Manoir aux Quat’ Saisons and The Fat Duck with Heston, I had a real understanding of the meaning of fine dining. After couple of years working on your cold island, my best friend made me an offer I couldn’t refuse… opening the Four Seasons Hong Kong! The love of food and wine brought me to the other side of the world.

What else could I say? As a typical French man, I cook, I love wine in general (soft spot for Burgundy, Rhône and Italy), I love reading, hiking for long hours and I’ve also fallen in love with Kung Fu! This is a must do in Bruce Lee’s land and thoroughly relaxing. I have completed the Maclehose trail (Wikipedia is scarier than reality) a couple of years ago and am quietly training for it this year. See my charity site here.

I am looking forward to growing within Goedhuis &Co and sharing my passion for wine with you!
