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News » David Roberts MW


A Passion for Burgundy

I am just back from my first visit to Hong Kong with some very fond memories following a series of amazing events organised for me by Tom Sackville. The thing that struck me the most is that there is an...

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2015 Harvest Starts in France

I am always wary about making vintage predictions before our vigneron friends have fully gathered all their grapes, but if the weather conditions remain as favourable as they have been to date in 2015, we could be in for something...

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Launched today: Pol Roger Cuvée Winston Churchill 2004

Pol Roger released the 2004 vintage of their prestige Cuvée Winston Churchill for £600 per 6 IB. This is only the 15th cuvée of Sir Winston Churchill since its first vintage release with the stunning 1975. The exact blend has...

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“Mr Parker, I think you are wrong”

Let me start by saying I am one of Robert Parker’s biggest fans. My own view is that he has been the single most influential person in the wine trade over the last 30 years. Whilst I don’t necessarily always...

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Ch Haut Bailly 2014: "a supremely elegant take on the vintage"

This morning has seen the release of one of the undoubted stars of Pessac-Léognan, Chateau Haut Bailly. At Goedhuis we love the wines of Pessac-Léognan and this famed estate, run by Bordeaux’s most dynamic female wine director, Veronique Sanders, and her...

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