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News » Philippa Wright


From the Vigneron's Mouth – Graham Nutter

Graham Nutter of Ch St Jacques d’Albas in the Minervois sends this report on the 2007 harvest…… A warm/dry winter, a warm/damp spring (great for weeds) and a hot/cold but very dry summer! Top that with mildew and oidium in...

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Joining the Mile High Club

We recently received an email which we thought it imperative to share with you. Singapore Airlines will be serving Cos d’Estournel 1982 in the First Class cabin of the A380 inaugural flight from Singapore to Sydney next month. Monsieur Prats...

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Wedding dilemmas….

Many people, when confronted with organising a wedding, will be fretting over how many tiers a cake should have, the shade of the bridesmaids’ frocks or where on earth to seat Great-Aunt Elsie. For me, such trivialities were quickly dealt...

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