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News » Bordeaux 2009


Bordeaux Tasting Trip 2- Day Four

Monsieur et Madame Bernard are as generous hosts as you will come across anywhere. Dinner at Domaine de Chevalier, officiated by Olivier filling us with six vintages all ending in ’01, served blind, was

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Bordeaux Tasting Trip 2- Day Two

Two eggs, yoghurt, croissant, orange juice, tea, then… Dame and Ch Montrose- wines of great power with concentrated fruit and huge tannins. These wines are

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Bordeaux Tasting Trip 2- Day One

The sun that greeted Day One of our tasting trip and the dinner we had at Le Boucher (punctuated by a few Poires), only served to fully enthuse the tasting team of

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Straight from the horse's mouth…

Reported to me from an impeccable source: “When asked whether 2009 or 2010 was the better vintage, Alfred Tesseron of Pontet Canet replied 2010.

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Final thoughts (on first impressions) on Bordeaux 2010

Final thoughts (on first impressions). 2010 is a great vintage in Bordeaux. 2010 is a vintage that will age for many years. It has the structure, the

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