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News » April 2009


Bordeaux 2008 – first thoughts

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”, so said Albert Einstein. And in these uncertain times, a saying that may inspire our friends in Bordeaux

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The Greatest Brunello Vintage Ever?

The 2004 vintage in Brunello di Montalcino has recently been described by Giacomo Neri of Casanova di Neri in Decanter magazine as “˜the greatest I’ve seen in my life’.

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Alion 2005

Vega Sicilia, Unico is maybe the most famous and most expensive wine made in Spain. I have just had the good fortune to taste the 1999.

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2004 Barolo in Decanter Magazine

In this month’s Decanter magazine the Barolo 2004s have been tasted and assessed. As we have highlighted previously, the 2004 vintage was one of the best ever in Barolo.

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No more Rose on the terrace

Sitting on a cafe terrace in the sun drinking a lunchtime glass of rose, an early evening Kir or pression or a late night Pastis is a quintessential part of the French summer holiday experience. But no more,

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