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News » En Primeur


Bordeaux 2014: A “vigneron’s” vintage

I have just come back from an intense couple of days tasting all the best that Bordeaux has to offer this year. 2014 seems to be a real winemaker’s vintage

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Bordeaux 2014: UGC Day 1

Tuesday afternoon – post lunch at Pichon Baron, the first of the UGC tastings (a chance to taste many of the non 1st growth Chateaux

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Bordeaux 2014 En Primeur: Pauillac & St Julien

One and a half days into the primeur tastings and I am enjoying this vintage more and more. Whilst wanting to avoid the hype

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Burgundy 2013 En Primeur Tasting

A few photos from our wonderful Burgundy En Primeur Tasting on Monday. Huge thanks to Johnny Messum for letting us use his stunning Gallery in Cork Street

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