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Is Red Wine & Red Meat a Perfect Combination?

I have long felt first hand the benefits of a regular in-flow of red wine, but never having excelled at science the actual explanation eluded me. A recent article in the Economist throws some useful light on this delightful subject...

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Sense and Sensibility

How important are your senses to you?! Have you gone as far as Ilja Gort, the Dutch owner of Chateau de la Garde in Bordeaux, France, who insured his nose earlier this week for a staggering £3.9 million to cover...

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Loire – The Garden of France (part 2)

After lunch I headed over to the red wine country of Chinon

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Wine duty scrapped in Hong Kong

At a time when the British government are talking about increasing the duty on wine at the next budget to reduce middle class drinking, it is interesting to note that Hong Kong

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It had to be done.

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