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The Goedhuis Golf Team


A motley but very colourful team of Julian Chamberlen, Hugo McMullen, Charlie Whittington and Mark Robertson played yesterday in the inaugural Carefree Northants Charity Day at Brampton Heath. The format was 4 balls and the best 2 scores per hole count. Seldom do any of us play, but Mrs Goedhuis’ persuasiveness had ensured we all signed up instantly. 3 of the 4 of us were awarded the maximum handicap of 28 with Hugo (the bandit) on 23. As a result, we scored a massive 92 Stableford points! A very strong performance.


Various bets amongst ourselves resulted in some fine forfeits including Huge having to profess how exceedingly beautiful a certain young mother was- he delivered his lines impeccably as if performing at the Globe. The golf was occasionally brilliant – Hugo hitting it extraordinary distances just rather off line, Mark looking as if he was chopping wood with his rather unorthodox swing but magnificently effective on the final hole, Charlie clearly a natural chipping in on the 8th for a birdie was masterful, and Julian Chamberlen, well, it was beautiful to watch – the pink trousers – that is.


Huge fun was had, a great event and a proud moment to collect our prizes from the hugely tall Martin Bayfield, who on sighting the pink trousers and me having offered him a “wear of them” exclaimed “˜he would rather stick needles in his eyes’. And I thought these rugger boys were in touch with their feminine side.


I cannot wait for next year, Bravo Carefree and Bravo Laura for organizing a wonderful day.
