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The Mystery Bottle


A little while ago I acquired a bottle of wine. I had absolutely no idea what it was, as it no longer had its label. The only thing I could tell you was it was from Domaine Ponsot, as this was stamped across the foil.

Now the problem was, when to open it. I had absolutely no idea what it was. It could be a knackered Bourgogne Rouge or a fabulous Clos de Roche and looking at the state of the bottle, it was certainly a few years old. What tends to happen with these bottles is they just sit there and as there never seems to be the right opportunity to open them, they never get drunk.

Last Saturday we had some people to dinner and after drinking Bordeaux and Rhone, it got to that time of evening when I thought we should drink some Burgundy. I decided to open the mystery bottle of Ponsot and that, once I had opened it, all would be revealed.

I drew the cork and looked for the date and vineyard but alas the only thing written on the cork was Ponsot, so I’m afraid I was none the wiser. Now to the question, was it any good ? Yes, it was absolutely delicious, however I’m afraid I still have no idea what it was.

It was certainly Premier Cru level or better. It was drinking very well indeed. It had lovely sweet fruit, wonderfully balanced with a firm finish. It is still a mystery, but it was certainly a great bottle of wine, so thumbs up to Domaine Ponsot.