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Viva Italia!


Our Italy room boomed at the tasting. Many people tasted their way through Tuscany, the Veneto and Piedmont before heading south to Sicily. We received endless comments on how glorious the wines were, and we had to agree.

The Italy room was particularly important at this tasting as it marked the release of some of the countries finest wines – 2004 Brunellos and 2005 Barolos. Specific offers on these impressive wines will be making an appearance over the next couple weeks.

We started working with Italian wines more seriously around 8 years ago. The more we taste them, the further impressed we have become. As a result, we have been embracing them even more passionately over the past 2 or 3 years. Though our list is mostly French-based, we have been hoping to inspire our clients to seek them out. Their freshness is incredible and like nowhere else in the world.

On our last trip, the Sestis and I discussed the fact that Italian wines taste first and foremost Italian, then of their respective varieties. They are that country specific. You cannot find wines like them anywhere else.

We were delighted by the high attendance of our growers. The majority made the trek from their cozy, familiar (and sunny!) abodes to the Saatchi Gallery.

Particularly impressive was our Sicilian grower, Giuseppe Russo, who had never been to England before (and only speaks a small amount of English). Yet, he was determined to share and explain his delicious Mount Etna wines. It is this generosity, passion and excellent quality of wines that keeps us coming back.

Viva Italia!