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News » Johnny Goedhuis


Our man in Paraguay

With my 60th birthday approaching I was thinking about the best deal I ever did. During the mid-seventies I was the unofficial agent for Louis Roederer in Paraguay. 500 cases of Cristal

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Disreputable clients

I had managed to blank it from my memory, but was reminded the other day that I once sold Gary Glitter ten cases of Krug 1943. At least he had good taste in Champagne.

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Pigs flying past my window…

Last week in Burgundy was a revelation. We expected wines of medium quality at best but we tasted some quite delicious Chardonnay’s and Pinot Noir’s.

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The Vision of the Saatchi Gallery

Wine merchants writing about art….. luckily not. However the opening of the Saatchi Gallery does deserve a special mention and not only because Domaine Begude Cuvée Special was the wine served on the opening night. The reaction of the art...

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Glorious Guiraud

These days of recession, stagflation and credit crunch have ensured that most visits to the City are rather gloomy affairs. Not so last week. I was invited to the Wallbrook to taste eight recent vintages of Ch Guiraud followed by...

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