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News » Burgundy 2017


In the Vines with… Claude de Nicolay of Domaine Chandon de Briailles

10 thought-provoking questions & answers from Savigny-lès-Beaune. Meet Claude de Nicolay of Domaine Chandon de Briailles.

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In the vines with… the one and only Olivier Lamy

9 thought-provoking questions & answers from St Aubin. Meet vigneron Olivier Lamy.

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This year for the #BourgogneWeek we have collaborated with BYO podcast and gathered together winemaker Benjamin Leroux, our very own Toby Herbertson and Ella Lister (founder of Wine Lister) to chat about the 2017 vintage and all things Burgundy. 

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In the Vines with… Laurent Pinson

9 thought-provoking questions & answers from Chablis. Meet winemaker Laurent Pinson.

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Burgundy Fine Wine Market Report | November 2018

For some time now, the Burgundy fine wine market has enjoyed its fair share of the lime light. Whether it be an auction house reporting another record breaking sale or demand frustrated by the vagaries of the latest vintage, Burgundy...

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