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News » October 2008


A Researcher's Lunch At Café Anglais

Research is all in my line of work so it was that I embarked on a famous “bring a bottle” lunch yesterday at Café Anglais with the founding partners and a good friend and customer of mine.

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Donnhof's Delicious Riesling

I have to admit I don’t have a cellar stuffed with German wines. I’ve always tended to head towards white Burgundy and the Loire for my white tipples…what a fool I am! Just recently I’ve been swiping the odd bottle...

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Save the Date – Rhone 2007 En Primeur Tasting

We have always been enormous fans of wine from the Rhone Valley. And our buying policy always reflected this. However, there was a time when, apart from a few savvy buyers, we struggled to impart our enthusiasm to the majority...

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Montagny 1er Cru Vieux Chateau Jean-Marc Boillot 2006

Wine has been drunk since 6000 BC and we very much doubt that this recent turmoil will stop people enjoying it. At the same time we are aware that we need to read the market and respond to our clients...

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