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Matthew Jukes' Bordeaux 2010 Report

Here is Matthew Jukes’ Bordeaux 2010 Report. He is superb company on any tasting trip and his writing is invariably illuminating and highly entertaining.

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Straight from the horse's mouth…

Reported to me from an impeccable source: “When asked whether 2009 or 2010 was the better vintage, Alfred Tesseron of Pontet Canet replied 2010.

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Final thoughts (on first impressions) on Bordeaux 2010

Final thoughts (on first impressions). 2010 is a great vintage in Bordeaux. 2010 is a vintage that will age for many years. It has the structure, the

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Bordeaux UGC 2010-2011 # 4

After quite a late night at Chateau de Sours where the very generous owner Martin Krajewski opened some fine bottles including imperiales of Leoville Las Cases 1982,

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Bordeaux UGC 2010-2011 # 3

I love the smell of Merlot in the morning! I knew we were in trouble as we left our

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