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'Juicy Rhône reds' get a look in

Anthony Rose in the Independent this Saturday gives us a heads up for some tasty Rhône bargains writing, ‘the best value in the northern Rhône

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Bring a special bottle dinner, Hong Kong

The invitation email from our host read as follows: each year I organise an evening to provide wine lovers with an opportunity to open those one (or two) notable bottle/s

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Brilliant Bath

I may not venture off the Island that often but, Bill-Bryson-like, I am very well travelled within the UK. I have been to Bournemouth, Morecombe, Bognor

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DIY Guide to Fine Wine Investment

Following my blog on “˜China: Time to be taken seriously’ , I have had several comments asking me to outline the mechanics of investing in wine. This blog will outline

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China: Time to be taken seriously

The big story in the world of wine currently and, if I am honest, for a good few years now, is the swift expansion of China as a market for wine of all levels. Here is a report

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