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News » Jamie Strutt


Christmas in the Strutt household

With two small boys there is rather a lot of excitement and activity with the lead up to Christmas in the Strutt household. Christmas can be a huge amount of work and rather exhausting but when you have young children...

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The Mystery Bottle

A little while ago I acquired a bottle of wine. I had absolutely no idea what it was, as it no longer had its label. The only thing I could tell you was it was from Domaine Ponsot, as this...

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A delicious white Burgundy

I have just been in the north of Scotland for a couple of weeks with the family. Part of the time we were staying in a tiny little place called Achiltibuie. I’m sure not many of you will have heard...

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Hanzell Pinot Noir Sonoma Valley 2005 in April's Decanter Magazine

Jordan Mackay’s article in April’s Decanter “California Pinot Noir 2005” gives the Hanzell 4 stars and includes it in the Pick of the Crop.

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Domaine Du Rochouard, Cuvee de la Pierre du Lane, St-Nicholas de Bourgueil

This months Decanter magazine not only gives it 5 stars in their Loire Reds 2005 tasting but also Best Value Wine of the Month overall.  

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