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Tasting Burgundy 2020 | Domaines Ponsot, Tortochot, Rousseau, Eugenie & Hubert Lignier

The next day we headed up to Morey St. Denis. Our first appointment was at Domaine Ponsot. The winery is situated at the top of the village, it was beautiful sunny morning and in the distance you could see Mont...

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Tasting Burgundy 2020 | Marc Colin, Benjamin Leroux, Tollot-Beaut, Meo-Camuzet, Grivot, Louis Boillot & Ghislaine Barthod

This was a busy day with lots of visits, starting at Marc Colin in Chassagne Montrachet. His wines were showing brilliantly, and you can see why everyone is so excited by the quality of the whites, they have great concentration...

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Tasting Burgundy 2020 | AF Gros, Bouley, Faiveley, Billaud-Simon & Roche de Bellene

It is fabulous to be back in Burgundy and the growers were all so pleased to have some visitors, after not seeing anyone for so long. The vineyards were looking amazing. The leaves now have the most wonderful autumn colours...

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The 15th Wine Dinner | over £300,000 raised

Earlier this month, on Thursday 7th October 2021, a staggering £300,000 was raised at the Covid- delayed much-celebrated biennial Wine Dinner established by Johnny and Laura Goedhuis 32 years ago to raise much needed funds for learning disabilities and children's...

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Looking ahead to La Place's Icon releases | September 2021

September always has a back-to-school feeling about it, left over from childhood when the end of the August Bank Holiday signalled the end of the summer break and warm weather. The wine trade too usually takes life at a slightly...

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